I present to you, a brilliant blog post written by one of our customers. Big thanks to them for taking the time to write this, we couldn’t have said it better.
Customer Review – Nordost Sort Kones – AC
“I have always been a bit skeptical of system tweaks even though I’ve tried a few over the years. Some seemed to work, some not so much…
So, when I was introduced to a number of them at a recent Nordost presentation at Nuts About Hi-Fi, I was dubious.
In the end, in spite of my skepticism, I was impressed enough to buy into one of them – the Nordost Sort Kones (AC). Was it the wine? The presenter’s pretty smile and detailed explanations? Or my ears… As I waited for them to arrive from Nordost, I wondered, and worried, and wondered.

An explanation seems in order:
Sort Kones are cone shaped and made of various metals. System components: pre amp, amp, DAC, CD player are placed or balanced on several of them – three being the minimum I saw at Nuts. There is some logic in their placement under any
component, balance being one, of course. But they also need to be placed under the areas containing the majority of the unit’s circuitry.
When they finally arrived, I was more than ready to see how they performed…
In my system, I placed them under my Aesthetic Janus pre amp and my Wadia 301 CD player in places that seemed appropriate. Then, I put on a very familiar CD and waited expectantly…
I was amazed. They made a tremendous difference in my system. Notes had more clarity, separation, presence, pace. The soundstage seemed bigger, cleaner, deeper. Everything just seems more right. How was this possible???? I have no idea. I just know that with CD after CD, and LP after LP, I just heard more, and it was not subtle. Give em a listen, I think you will be impressed.”