Yesterday we installed the new Meridian Ultra DAC in our listening room. Mathew downloaded a MQA recording from the 2L website and dropped it into our Sooloos Library.

In my 35 plus years in the audio business I’ve heard a lot of hype about new formats. The promise of “Holy Grails” of recording reproduction I’ve seen come and go too many times. So I was a bit skeptical yet I had faith in Bob Stewart’s ability to pull this one off. If you don’t know about MQA, here is a link to a good explanation of how this format works.
The reader’s digest version is for the first time in the history of recorded audio, we can now experience in our homes an exact uncompressed “perfect” duplication of the original recording mastered in the studio. Pretty big deal to us music lovers to say the least. What does it sound like? All I can say is in our over 11,000 Sooloos album collection, it is easily far and above anything else we could demonstrate for you. Please feel free to call us to arrange a personal audition or stop in to have a listen for yourself.