Author Archives: Admin

Video Calibration


Have you taken a walk through your local Big Box store lately? Have you noticed all of the TV’s on their shelves are set to stun?! And not in a way that Captain Kirk would be proud of. What I am talking about is how they are set to their highest light output levels, color and tint are pushed to blooming levels. All of the processing modes that these TV sets have to offer are on. Edge enhancement, sharpness enhancement, cinemotion drive, any way that the TV manufacturers can get their TV’s to look brighter, sharper and make them stand out from the rest of the TV’s on display. But, that is not a good thing when you bring those TV’s into your home, unless you are in need of a sun tan.

I guess it’s a pet peeve of ours as video installers when we see a TV or projector that is set up incorrectly. Most people open the box, put their TV on a stand or on the wall, maybe fool with the picture setting a bit, and then call it good. That is where calibration software and tools like a colorimeter come into play. Being able to correctly calibrate a projector or LED/LCD TV is best left to the experts. Nothing worse than messing up those settings on your brand new TV and now Anderson Cooper looks like George Hamilton. Not only does calibrating your TV or projector make the picture look better, but it also prolongs the life of the TV or projector by not pushing the LED’s or bulb (in a projector’s case) to their inherent limits. Bulbs and LED’s have a lifespan… best not to use them up before their time.

Nuts About Hi-Fi now offers full calibration of your TV or projector, new or old, LED or LCD. We have the tools to do the job. We feel it’s an investment in your video system that will help you enjoy it for many years to come. Give us a call and set up an appointment… your TV will thank you!